Training in Obbi

To access your assigned Training in Obbi, you can either look at the Training and Awareness panel on your home page:


Or you can go to the Training hub directly:


From here, you can quickly see the following:

  • Courses you haven't started yet
  • Courses that are in progress
  • Courses that you have either failed, or have expired
  • Courses that are expiring soon

Furthermore, you can browse Courses by the categories that have been set up by the administrator on your Obbi account. For example, you can browse through Induction courses, or any job-specific training you have been assigned.


Courses and Modules

In Obbi, your training is organised into Courses which are made up of one or more Modules. A module can be a document, a slideshow, a PowerPoint, a video, or a series of pages with diagrams etc.

To pass a Course, you need to complete all of its modules. You can see your progress through a Course by opening it, and reviewing the Course Overview page:


Your overall progress display is shown here, indicating the number of completed modules against those that still need to be done.

Like the rest of Obbi, the Training feature uses a simple traffic light system to indicate status. Modules that have expired or failed are in Red, modules that are due to expire are in Amber and modules that have been successfully completed are in Green. There is also some further information such as Date Started/Completed, Score etc.

To Start, Continue or Redo a training, click on the button located to the right of the module and work your way through the content, reading each slide carefully!

Completing a Module in Obbi

Most training modules you see in Obbi are going to consist of multiple slides or videos. Use the navigation controls at the top right of your screen to progress through the steps.


Once you have reached the end of your training, you will either be asked to Start the Assessment or Acknowledge that you have read and understood the preceding module's contents.

If this was an “Acknowledgement Only” module, then congratulations - you're done! You'll be brought back to the Course overview and shown any outstanding Modules left in the course.
If the module has an assessment though, you will need to step through a series of questions and achieve the pass rate set by your Obbi account administrator.

⚠️ If you fail to reach the required percentage pass rate, you will fail the module, and your manager will receive an alert.


You will have the option to go back to your categories page by clicking on Back to Training button or you can take another attempt at the training you just failed by clicking on the Redo button.


Remember that you can check for any failed or expired courses at any time on your Obbi home page: