Tasks Overview

With Obbi, all your tasks, checks and audits are quick and easy to find, letting you record your work for the day without any hassle.

To access your tasks, you just navigate to your Obbi home page:

You can easily filter and browse all the tasks that have been made available to you as a result of your team membership. You'll see which tasks are overdue, but also which are coming up soon - helping you plan and stay on top of your work.

If you want to view all tasks, click on the Tasks option on the sidebar, or press “View all Team Tasks” on the home page. This will take you to the Obbi Tasks hub.

The Tasks Hub

This is your central location for browsing all tasks available to you. Here you can see some key insights at a glance:

  • Overdue Tasks
  • Tasks Due Today
  • Tasks Due This Week

You can also filter by Category or Team, as well as search by the task name.

Starting a Task

To start a task, simply tap or click into it from any of the lists above. You will then see the Task Details:

Here you can see the schedule, when the task was due, as well as any associated Training that you are required to have completed before carrying out this task.

Once you hit “Start New”, you will see your task's questions, plus any guidance notes that were added when the task was set up on your Obbi account:

There are a number of question types that Obbi supports in tasks:

  • Yes / No - A simple yes or no to indicate that something has or hasn't been done.
  • Text - A free-text field allowing you to write in your own answer
  • Number - Limited to numerical values, and with an optional range warning (e.g. if a temperature is below tolerance)
  • Date/Time - This allows you to specify the date and time that something occurred on in your report
  • List Selection - Pick from a pre-defined list of options
  • Photo - Allowing you to submit a photo from your camera or device gallery
  • Signature - Your digital signature, required for some signing off some types of tasks 

To complete your task, simply go through the questions on the form (which may be across several pages, depending on how the task has been set up on your Obbi account). You can stop at any point and your progress will be saved automatically (see the next section on Resuming a Task).

Once you've finished, you can chose from the following options:

  • Submit - This will send your task report to Obbi
  • Fail Task - If you know there's no way you can complete the task, or there is some other issue, you can fail it immediately
  • Discard - If you want to abandon the current task report. Note, this is irreversible.

When submitting a task, even if you have failed or left answers blank - you can go ahead and have it logged as a “Failed” task report. This is completely valid in many situations, so don't worry! If you genuinely can't complete the task, or something is missing, then it's better to record that it couldn't be done so that you've got a paper trail to refer back to later on.

Comments and Corrective Actions

Some tasks may be set up to allow you to add comments or photos to your answer:


When you add a comment to a task, if it has been set up by your account administrator as a “Corrective Action”, then it will automatically create a new Action for your manager or team to review. Please refer to the Actions page for more information.

Resuming a Task

As well as starting a task from the Task Details page, you can also resume a task that was started either by you or by anyone else on your team. This is great for scenarios where you don't want to submit the final report until the end of the day. Your progress is automatically saved as you answer each question on a task, so you don't need to worry about losing any of your previous work.

Note that any task reports you start but don't complete will remain in the “Attempts in Progress” tab. You can discard old or abandoned task reports from here.

Task Reports

You can view the full history of all task reports that have been submitted by opening a task and viewing the “Task Reports” tab:

You can open any historical task report and view which questions or steps were passed or failed:

This is useful for reviewing old records, or for demonstrating compliance to any auditors or interested parties should an incident occur and there is a request for evidence. 


Tasks from your Phone

Tasks can be carried out from your mobile device either by accessing Obbi as normal via https://app.obbisolutions.com, or even better by using one of the Mobile Apps. With the app (see Using Obbi From Your Phone), you can sync all your tasks for offline access. This is is great for situations where you've got unreliable or no mobile signal, but still need to record that you've carried out your tasks.

Once you're back in an area with signal, the Obbi Mobile App will automatically upload your task reports - including any photos you took while offline. Handy!

Starting Tasks from a QR Code

Tasks from QR Codes can either be accessed via your mobile device's web browser, but for the best experience we recommend using the Obbi Mobile App.

To start a task from the app, simply press the QR code button, point and scan the QR code, and the app will start your task automatically. No need for any extra software or QR code scanners - it just works out of the box with the Obbi Mobile App.

Head over to Using Obbi From Your Phone now for more info, and links to get the app on either iOS or Android.