Incidents in Obbi

Obbi provides a convenient and simple way for you to report incidents that have occurred.
The incident hub allows you to create an Accident or a Near Miss report and view any incidents you have reported.

Reporting an Incident

To create an accident report, click on 'I want to report an Accident'. You will then be asked to select which incident form you would like to complete, depending on the type of incident.

To create a Near Miss report, click on "I want to report a Near Miss" which will take you straight to the Near Miss form.

Once you create the incident, you will be shown a form, specific to your organisation to complete.

The Incident Name will default to the current date and time, but you can change this if you wish. You should try to complete all fields within the form so that the reviewer has as much information as possible.

Once you have filled out the form you must sign it off. The Attachments and sign off section allows you to do the following:

  • Add users to your incident by selecting their name from a list when you click 'Add user'
  • Upload an attachment to your incident. This is where you should add any photos or documents that may be useful
  • Check your form to ensure all fields have been completed
  • Sign your form
  • Assign the form to a a different team.

Incidents are automatically assigned to the team you are a member off. If you are a member of more than one team, you will be asked to select which team you want to create the indicent in during the creation of the report. If you click the button to assign the form to a different team, you will be given a list of teams to choose from and options for alerting the team managers. This will unassign it from the current team, and move it to the new team you have selected.

'Signing' the report, means you must enter your signature or a PIN code. This will be requested when you click 'Sign and date'

When your incident is created, the manager of the team it is created against will be be able to see it.

Viewing Your Incidents

Once you have created an incident report, you can view it under 'My Incidents' in the incident hub. Any incidents you created, but assigned to other teams that you are not a member off, will not appear here.